Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Exile of Aeneas in the CT Classroom

I wrote the FYF series as part entertainment and part eduction (enter-cation? just seeing if there's  a better portmanteau than the more obvious edu-tainment). On the one hand, the narratives speak for themselves; there is suspense, intrigue, some sex (sort of, though not really in the series), violence, and redemption. On the other hand, the series was written to introduce younger readers to the ancient originals, and it was important for me, as both a Classicist and a teacher, to maintain the narrative integrity of these ancient originals. Because of this, they have potential for the classroom, whether a Latin course or, perhaps even better, an ancient history course (say, the relatively common focus on ancient history in middle schools).

The education market, however, is a tough market to break into, especially outside of Latin circles, within which the series was published. So you can imagine how thrilled I was to stumble upon on Twitter not only The Exile of Aeneas being used in the classroom, not only a textual confirmation of that, not only being used by a former colleague, but also a picture to go with it: The Exile of Aeneas in action.

So, thanks, @katyreddick, for not only using the series but also documenting that use and publicizing it. And if any other teachers out there want more information on the series, please contact me at followyourfates(at) or check out the FYF website: